Monday, March 28, 2005

Wind Waking

I've tried to post a couple of times over the past few days. But somehow the electric generator has slowed down, and can't give enough juice to the pc for long enough. I would be in the middle of my post and phishhhh. I'm on national electricity now so as long as it stays on schedule I've got half an hour to finish this post.

I think all the seeds are dead, if not because overwatering then my obsession with taking a peek and moving the seeds about everyday. I've misplaced two in the garden, they therefore might have a chance. And there's one in the cup noodle pot that's grown a white thing (I lifted the dirt from above it to see).

Nahida got me to buy a Nintendo GameCube to kill my time with. She's been wanting to buy me a games console for the past few months. When I heard that there was a second-hand GameCube for 45$ for sell I figured that would shut her up. I borrowed Zelda from a friend. And I'm playing that now like a crazed kid on a saturday. I'm hitting the bed exhausted.

I've been going into yahoo chat rooms and trying to learn to type in arabic. It's going alright so far. I've learnt where a few of the letters are. One problem is that I don't know how to spell in arabic. So I'm spending a little time copying what other people in the rooms are saying. Turns out I didn't know how to spell al salam aleikum (may peace be upon you - Hello).

Kiki spent the night at my place to watch football games on tv. I spent the whole time sweating over his Nintendo DS. I got 17 stars in Mario. He says he's got 22 now. It's a really neat thing the Nintendo DS. Kiki's preaching allegiance to the DS and is opposed to the new Sony PSP. The PSP movie feature is stupid since you can't use that same disc to watch the movie on TV, and it's too big, and the screeen is going to get scratched, and so on...

Time's nearly up, publish post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That "white thing" in the noodle cup sounds like a sprout! Hmm -- wonder what Fiona advises.

-- Tilli (Mojave Desert)