Thursday, April 20, 2006

Grumpy Mornings

During the last week I bought a guitar. A classmate and I are planning to take lessons together. I've got no musical talent whatsoever but I'm up for anything to kill time. A couple days ago a computer virus that I had got bad enough for me to spend a whole day to get rid of it. Interestingly I wasn't the only one infected by it, a couple of friends and an internet cafe had been hit by it too. If you happen to have problems downloading files, computer restarts, your folder options are missing and can't edit your registry you might have the same worm. So here's a link for the Brontok Worm fix.

Nahida has been unbearably annoying lately. Just now she asked me if I was aware of the time. Of course I am I've got a bleeding watch on my wrist that I never ever take off. And during the day she can't go on without yelling my name every half hour. I really wish I could shut her out.

The weather had a little schitzo trip during last week. We had rain, crazy loud thunders storms, painfully warm weather, duststorms and cool overcast days.

Well I'm late for college. There are no classes today (but I didn't tell that to Nahida). The 4th year students are celebrating their graduation today. It doesn't make sense to me cause I don't think they've actually finished yet. But I guess it's a way for those that are going to fail to not feel left out. The rules on the dresscode are going to be relaxed and it might also mean that I can walk in with my camera and take some pics yay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to practice your guitar pose in front of a mirror.

I think the low-slung gunslinger look is best. Think Jimmy Page!!!

Rock on!
-- Tilli (Mojave Desert)